Frequently Asked Questions

Breastfeeding is a natural and nurturing experience to share with your child, but it can also be full of challenges for many new mothers

Some women struggle to get their baby to latch, some mothers have work schedules that make nursing difficult, and others struggle with milk production

You may also decide that breastfeeding isn’t for you and your family.


We believe that each mother must decide what will work best. However, we believe that every mother needs a support system to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months in the first year of life.


Breastfeeding is important for you and your growing baby. Breast milk contains the right amount of nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals, vitamins), antibodies, and it is easy to digest. 

Breastfeeding helps reduce your chances of breast and ovarian cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Breastfed babies are protected from serious health conditions including respiratory, ear, and gastrointestinal tract infections, allergies, diabetes, and obesity. Breastfeeding can also reduce the incidence of SIDS.

Every baby is different in the number of feedings he or she needs per day. However, newborns may eat as often as every 1 to 3 hours. On average, exclusively breastfed babies will feed about once every 2 to 4 hours or “cluster feed” (have several feeds in a short time) most especially when they are having a growth sprout. Always let your baby take the lead.

Watch your baby for early hunger signs and comfort needs. Your baby is hungry if baby; sucks on fingers, hands, or tongue, smacks lips, searches (or roots) for breast and wakes from sleep.  Remember, crying is a late sign of hunger and will make breastfeeding difficult.

The most important thing to remember throughout this very personal journey is that fed is best!

Breastfeeding can require practice and patience, but it should not hurt. To breastfeed properly and prevent problems for both you and your baby, you will need to learn the ABCs of breastfeeding. 

  • At first, it’s helpful to wear a shirt or a loose blouse that can be raised easily. If you want more privacy, consider using a lightweight blanket over your shoulder and chest to cover your breasts and your baby.


  • Bring the baby to your breast. Find a position that is comfortable for you and your baby, a comfortable chair or sit up in bed. Use pillows to support your arms, your back and the baby, and use a stool to raise your feet.  If you do have trouble with breastfeeding positioning or latching, get support from a lactation consultant, your doctor, public health nurse, midwife, family, or friends.


  • Consume healthy drinks and meals. Healthy beverages without caffeine are better, like water, non-fat milk or 100% juice.  Keep water or another healthy drink nearby. Most women get thirsty as they breastfeed. Drink enough to satisfy your thirst before, during and after breastfeeding.

Your baby only needs breast milk for the first six months of life, and then continue breastfeeding while introducing appropriate complementary foods until your child is up to 2 years or older. Giving your baby formula may cause him or her to not want as much breast milk. This will decrease your milk supply. Remember, breast milk will provide all the nutrition your baby needs.


It is also best to wait until your baby is one month old to introduce a pacifier. This allows the baby to learn how to latch well on the breast and get enough to eat.

Early preparation can help you continue to breastfeed when you are away from your child.  You can pump or hand express your breast milk so that your child can drink breast milk from a bottle. Mothers can visit CDC’s Breastfeeding website to learn more about guidelines and recommendations for pumping, storage and preparing breastmilk.

Yes. [More information on this in our next FAQ posting].

You should not feel poorly if you are unable to produce enough breast milk.

Enjoy your “little one” and supplement…It is more important to feed the baby

Being ready for a feeding will help you relax and being relaxed will help your milk to be released when your breasts are stimulated by suckling or pumping; this is called a let-down. A let-down may occur before or soon after feeding begins. 

Signs of let-down include a) A tingling sensation in the nipples, sometimes with mild pain. b) Milk leaking from the breast before nursing or pumping or leaking from one breast while the baby is nursing at the other breast. Some women may experience let-down when they hear a baby crying.

Is it Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

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