May 2024

Wait! I’m Not Dressed Yet!

 by Tina Ellis 


Ever wonder why you are the only person in the entire world who feels alone? Ever wonder why you are the only person in the world who have negative thoughts running through your mind? Ever wonder why life seems so hard on JUST you? Ever wonder why you feel so alone in a room full of people? I’ve got news for you. You are not alone! Take a walk with me down mental health lane and explore why we have these negative thoughts. Let’s explore ways we could break the cycle. Let’s delve into our minds and find ways to overcome mental health. Let’s discover the REAL you!

October 2022

Skimmed: Breastfeeding, Race, and Injustice 1st Edition by Andrea Freeman

Skimmed: Breastfeeding, Race, and Injustice 1st Edition by Andrea Freeman

Born into a tenant farming family in North Carolina in 1946, Mary Louise, Mary Ann, Mary Alice, and Mary Catherine were medical miracles. Annie Mae Fultz, a Black-Cherokee woman who lost her ability to hear and speak in childhood, became the mother of America’s first surviving set of identical quadruplets. They were instant celebrities. Their White doctor named them after his own family members. He sold the rights to use the sisters for marketing purposes to the highest-bidding formula company. The girls lived in poverty, while Pet Milk’s profits from a previously untapped market of Black families skyrocketed.

Over half a century later, baby formula is a seventy-billion-dollar industry and Black mothers have the lowest breastfeeding rates in the country. Since slavery, legal, political, and societal factors have routinely denied Black women the ability to choose how to feed their babies. In Skimmed, Andrea Freeman tells the riveting story of the Fultz quadruplets while uncovering how feeding America’s youngest citizens is awash in social, legal, and cultural inequalities. This book highlights the making of a modern public health crisis, the four extraordinary girls whose stories encapsulate a nationwide injustice, and how we can fight for a healthier future.

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